Thursday, November 10, 2011

Financial Tip: Three Miraculous Steps to Financial Freedom

Three Miraculous Steps to Financial Freedom

Breaking free from debt and having enough money to live the life you desire is a goal millions of us aspire to.  Money worries can really have a profound effect on your health and quality of life. Destroy these worries and start living the life you never thought possible by discovering the steps to financial freedom.
Let’s face it, although money does not necessarily make the world go round, it does oil the screws and make the world spin faster than it should.
Many people think the ultimate goal to reach in life is to be rich and comfortable in luxury living. As shallow as it may sounds, materialism isn’t viewed as shallow nowadays.
Thankfully though, there comes a time when realization hits home.
People get to see that money doesn’t make one happy in the long run. And here is the part where one starts to seek steps to financial freedom.
What does it really take to take off the bind that most of us have with money?
Here are simple yet miraculous steps to financial freedom that can open your eyes – from blindness to the real vision.

The First Step To Financial Freedom: Stop Trying to Earn More.

Don’t get this wrong; you still need work in your life in order to finance your basic needs. But try to reassess yourself; are you working merely for money?
The primary step to financial freedom is to free yourself from all the things that make you a prisoner of wealth.
If you are working for the love of money and not for self-growth and enjoyment, then stop what you’re doing.
If you’re driving yourself to being a workaholic to earn more, then you are going nowhere.
What you need to do is find a real job which makes you happy even without the money incentive into light. Do what you want even if it means getting only enough salary for your family to live in comfort.
The keywords in the first step to financial freedom are happiness over salary.

The Second Step To Financial Freedom: End the Luxurious Life.

This may be the part where most people quit but don’t let yourself be just another lame quitter!
Do you like eating at fancy restaurants everyday?
Enjoy a deluxe travel vacation every month?
Or maybe prop yourself with the latest gadgets as soon as they come out?
Well if you said yes to the three previous questions, this is the question where you might be spending a little more time to answer: Are you truly and deeply happy?
Yes, probably not.
If you want to know a secret about happiness, here it is: If you want it to last then it should come from within.
Not from your job, definitely not from money and not even from your lifetime partner.
Happiness should come from yourself and from God. Only in contentment of what you have will truly give you joy.

The Last And Ultimate Step To Financial Freedom: Value Your Relationship With God.

This is the most important step to financial freedom.
If you will remember what He said that love of money is the root of all evil, then you will never ever consider living your life following the rules of materialism.
Let go of money and let God do you a favor.
This is the best and ultimate step to financial freedom.
Having enough money opens up so many opportunities in life. It gives you the freedom to choose your work, where you live and how you spend your time. Start taking control of your life and your destiny by taking proven steps to financial freedom.


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