Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are you Overlooking the Importance of Emotional Health?

Ask yourself this question.

What good is it to work on my physical fitness, sweat it out in the gym, and lift weights, if I'm carrying around inner weights that are bringing me down?

This is more than just your average health and fitness article. Because today, I don't want to focus on physical exercise. Instead, I want to talk about the value of being mentally and emotionally healthy.

I am a firm believer that we have to take care of our inward self, and work to make ourselves happy in order to be 
well-rounded and healthy.  

Once you have acknowledged the insecurities, hurts, and baggage, the second step is taking ownership of your feelings. We spend so much time covering things up, burying unresolved feelings, and we never tackle the truth.  This leads to physical and emotional stress, which takes a toll on your physical health. When you're honest about all the emotions and thoughts running through your mind about yourself, you will be better able to deal with your inner turmoil, a key part of your journey toward true joy, health, and happiness ... flaws and all.

Finally, my third and favorite step of them all is enjoying and appreciating the person God made you to be, without measuring yourself by false standards. Nothing feels better than the enjoyment that comes through acceptance of your authentic self. It feels good to get to a place of realizing that your insecurities, hurts, and baggage, no longer control you. Rather, they contribute to the unique tapestry of experiences that add richness and depth to your life, and helps strengthen the wonderful person you are.

While physical fitness is important, never overlook the importance of emotional health. Once you're healthy on the inside, it will manifested on the outside.

Often times, we become so consumed with pleasing others around us.

We obsess about looking "perfect" to win the approval of people. But why spend so much time preparing our physical body, while ignoring our inward self?  So here is a challenge for you. Focus on y-o-u! The first step to making it about you in 2011 is acknowledgment. In other words, recognize and admit those things about yourself that you don’t like.  Be honest, because it makes no sense to carry around insecurities, hurts, and baggage. I know it seems easier not to deal with it all, but the reality is “you cannot fix what you will not face.”  


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