Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Do you have a Recipe you Won't Share? And Why?

Okay, So a friend of mine tells me he's having a birthday party for his son. He is doing a cookout themed party and wants to have baked beans. He then tells me how a member of his church, who makes the best baked beans he has ever tasted, would not share the recipe. He tried texting his church member for the recipe, and was shocked at the response. The individual told him it was a family secret and he had to sign a contract with his mom just to get it himself. My friend was so amazed at the replied text that he told his church member to stop joking and come on a give up the recipe. The last text he got was that it was not a joke, sorry!!!

His church member then suggested that he go buy the canned beans from the store, citing that they are just as good. My friend of course would beg to differ. There is a huge difference he explained and could not believe that he refused to share.
So my question is why do people not like to share their recipes? It's not like you are patenting this recipe and making money off of it? Why not share with your friends and the ones you love? I know that some people like to be the only one that can make a special dish the way everybody likes. That means that now people must rely on you only. Is it that serious? Do you even share with family? Or do you make people promise not to tell by signing contracts? This is out of controll!!!


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