Sunday, June 19, 2011

President Obama on Being the Father He Never Had

President Obama has become the epitome of what fatherhood means to so many families across the country. Now we have one more reason to admire his closeness to Sasha and Malia.In honor of Father's Day, President Obama penned an essay on what fatherhood means to him.

The letter, which will appear in this week's "People" magazine, features candid sentiments from the President on how his life without a father helped him strive to be a better parent."I always felt [my father's] absence and wondered what it would have been like if he had been a greater presence in my life. I still do. It is perhaps for this reason that fatherhood is so important to me, and why I've tried so hard to be there for my own children," President Obama writes in his "People" essay.President Obama also expresses how he has grown to understand what his daughter's need from him as a good father. "...Through my own experiences, and my continued efforts to be a better father, I have learned something over the years about what children need most from their parents," wrote the President.


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