Saturday, December 31, 2011
Our Daily Bread - Reflections

Here are some benefits I have received from journaling: From life experiences, I see that progress and failure are both part of the journey. I’m reminded of God’s grace when I read how He helped me to find a solution to a major problem. I gain insight from past struggles that help with issues I am currently facing.
And, most important, journaling shows me how God has been faithfully working in my life.
Many of the psalms are like a spiritual journal. They often record how God has helped in times of testing. In Psalm 40, David writes: “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps” (vv.1-2). Later, David needed only to read that psalm to be reminded of God’s faithful deliverance.
Journaling may be useful to you too. It can help you see more clearly what God is teaching you on life’s journey and cause you to reflect on God’s faithfulness.
For Further ThoughtTo begin a journal: Record your struggles, reflect on averse that is especially comforting or challenging, orwrite a prayer of thankfulness for God’s faithfulness.
Reflecting on God’s faithfulness in the pastbrings hope for the future.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Our Daily Bread: Playing Your Part

There are other young people who want to be a part of the show but don’t relish being in the spotlight. They are the ones who will change scenery, open and close the curtains, run the lights, and assist with makeup and costume changes. Then there are the parents from the community who provide pizza and cookies for rehearsals, donate goods, build sets, sew costumes, make signs, and hand out programs.
The success of the performances are the culmination of an intense 4- to 5-month process that is dependent on the hard work of a wide range of dedicated volunteers.
Similarly, for the body of Christ to function fully, each of us must play a part. Every believer is uniquely gifted for service. When these gifts are combined in a cooperative relationship, “every part does its share” (Eph. 4:16), and the separate parts make up the whole (Rom. 12:5).
We need each other. What part are you playing in the life of the church?
For the church to function fully,We must all fulfill our role;While the Spirit’s gifts are many,They combine to serve the whole. —Sper
For a church to be healthy,its members must exercise their spiritual gifts.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Paula White Controversy: Taking Over for Zachery Tims Stirs Up Drama
Zachery Tims' New Destiny Members Rally Against Paula White Succession
By Vincent Funaro | Christian Post Reporter
Supporters of Riva Tims, ex-wife of the late Pastor Zachery Tims rallied outside New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka Thursday to protest Paula White’s succession as senior pastor of theFlorida megachurch.
Riva Tims co-founded the church with her former husband in 1996.
The protesters held signs that read “Come Support Pastor Riva! Use your voice!” – attempting to get the attention of those attending New Destiny’s Bible study group that normally met on Thursday evenings, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
The Church is expected to announce who will take Tims’ place on Jan. 1. Leaders within New Destiny surveyed the congregation recently on whether they wanted Paula White to become their new leader. However, no other name was offered for approval. Paula White is the pastor of Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Fla.
Some of the protesters spoke to the Orlando Sentinel regarding the possibilty of Paula White succeeding Tims.
“I don’t feel like the congregation had any say,” said Samantha Moore of Altamonte Springs, who joined New Destiny three years ago. “I don’t agree with what is going on. I don’t feel like she [Paula White] is who we need.”
Jerelen Jackson, who has been a member of New Destiny since 2002, explained how current and former members of the megachurch are not happy with its board not considering Tims’ ex-wife Riva for the position. Riva Tims became the pastor of her own church, Majestic Life Church in Lockhart, in 2009 when she and Zachery divorced.
“Pastor Zach died and Pastor Riva is alive. Who knows that church better than she does?” said Jackson who followed Riva to Majestic life. “And she wasn’t even considered.”
Shortly after Zachery Tims' death, Riva announced that she would be involved in the selection of the new pastor for New Destiny. But when the church decided to discuss the matter, she was not included.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Easy Recipe for the Day: Cajun Chicken Burgers
Original Recipe Yield 4 burgers
Prep Time:
15 Min
Cook Time:
15 Min
Ready In:
30 Min
- 1 pound freshly ground chicken or turkey
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1/4 cup chopped bell pepper
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 teaspoon Original TABASCO® brand Pepper Sauce
- 3 green onions, minced
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Form into four 4-inch patties. Broil or grill 4 to 6 minutes per side, or to desired doneness.
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Emails, Texts, and Calendar...How Safe/ Secure is Your SmartPhone?
Take a look at the clip below. Learn how easy it is for someone to gain access to your phone through a simple download of a virus. They can turn on your speaker phone and listen into your conversations. They can turn on your phones camera and see everything in the room. And the worst part is:
1. You don't have to even be on the phone when this happens.
2. You don't have to even be in the same room or state as the hackers acessing your personal information.
3. You don't even know it's happening.
1. You don't have to even be on the phone when this happens.
2. You don't have to even be in the same room or state as the hackers acessing your personal information.
3. You don't even know it's happening.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Daily Bible Verse:
“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—” Psalm 103:1-2NIV
Day 2: Celebration of Kwanzaa – Kujichagulia (self-determination)
KUJICHAGULIA: “In a time in which occupation and oppression of countries and peoples are immorally presented as necessary and even salvational, the principle of Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) rejects this and reaffirms the right of persons and peoples to determine their own destiny and daily lives; to live in peace and security; and to flourish in freedom everywhere.”-Dr. Maulana Karanga
Monday, December 26, 2011
Day 1: Celebration Of Kwanzaa – UMOJA (Unity)
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According to Dr. Karanga, “The core message and expansive meaning of Kwanzaa is rooted in its role as a rightful and joyous celebration of family, community and culture. Indeed, it is a celebration of a people in the rich and complex course of their daily lives and in the midst of their awesome and transformative movement thru human history. It is a holiday that grew out of the ancient origins of first-fruit harvest festivals which celebrate the abundant good of life and all living things and the good of earth itself and all in it. It rises also out of our modern struggle for an inclusive freedom, a substantive justice, a dignity-affirming equality, and a life-enhancing power of our people over our destiny and daily lives. And it bears the mark and message of both models and movements.”- Ingrid Michelle
Kwanzaa has 7 principles associated with it. Each day until January 1, 2010, I will share a little about each principle and its true meaning. Hopefully you’ll be able to weave a portion of their tenets into your life.
Kwanzaa has 7 principles associated with it. Each day until January 1, 2010, I will share a little about each principle and its true meaning. Hopefully you’ll be able to weave a portion of their tenets into your life.
- Umoja (Unity) To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
“Surely, in a world ravaged and ruined by war, defined by division, oppression and varied forms of greed, hatred and hostility, the principle of Umoja (Unity) invites an alternative sense of solidarity, a peaceful togethernes as families, communities and fellow human beings.
It teaches us the oneness of our people, everywhere, the common ground of our humanity with others and our shared status as possessors of dignity and divinity. But it also encourages us to feel at one with and in the world, to be constantly concerned about its health and wholeness, especially as we face the possibility of climate change and other disasters around the world.”- Dr. Maulana Karanga
Daily Bread: Wrong Worship
December 26, 2011 — by Dave Branon on
If you really want to get folks upset, threaten their economy.
A bad economic picture gets politicians voted out of office, and the threat of a downturn nearly got the apostle Paul kicked out of Ephesus.
Here’s what happened. Paul came to town and started “reasoning and persuading concerning . . . the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8). For more than 2 years he shared the gospel, and many began following Jesus.
Because Paul was so successful in getting people to see that there is only one true God, many Ephesians stopped worshiping the goddess Diana. This was bad news for the local silversmiths, who made their living creating and selling Diana statuettes. If enough people stopped believing in her, business would dry up. A commotion and an uproar broke out when the craftsmen figured this out.
This Ephesus incident can remind us to evaluate our reasons for worshiping God. The silversmiths wanted to protect their worship as a way of protecting their prosperity, but may that never be said of us. Don’t ever let your worship of God become an avenue to good fortune.
We worship God because of His love for us and because of who He is, not because loving Him can help our bottom line. Let’s worship God the right way.
We worship God for who He is,
And not because of what we’ll get;
When we acknowledge what we owe,
We’ll thank Him that He paid our debt. —Sper
And not because of what we’ll get;
When we acknowledge what we owe,
We’ll thank Him that He paid our debt. —Sper
Don’t worship God to gain His benefits— you already have them.
Fact: Christmas Does Not End On December 25!
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The Twelve Days of Christmas are the festive days beginning Christmas Day (25 December). This period is also known as Christmastide and Twelvetide.
Unfortunately,because there a drive to start the “christmas selling period” there is a misunderstanding that Christmas ends promptly on Christmas Day. That is 100% wrong.
The Twelfth Night of Christmas is always on the evening of 5 January, but the Twelfth Day can either precede or follow the Twelfth Night according to which Christian tradition is followed. Twelfth Night is followed by the Feast of the Epiphany on 6 January. In some traditions, the first day of Epiphany (6 January) and the twelfth day of Christmas overlap.
Over the centuries, differing churches and sects of Christianity have changed the actual traditions, time frame and their interpretations. St. Stephen’s Day (or Boxing Day), for example, is 26 December in the Western Church and 27 December in the Eastern Church. Boxing Day, the first weekday after Christmas, is observed as a legal holiday in parts of the Commonwealth of Nations. 28 December is Childermas or the Feast of the Innocents. Currently, the twelve days and nights are celebrated in widely varying ways around the world. For example, some give gifts only on Christmas Day, some only on Twelfth Night, and some each of the twelve nights.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
7 Types Of Men Every Woman Should Date....... PT. 2

The purpose of dating is to get to know someone, not to have sex or fulfill lustful desires. When you rush to the dating phase, you miss the opportunity to develop

Here are 7 types of men that you should date:
1. The Unmarried Man -This may seem obvious, but it is very necessary to mention. There are too many women attempting have relationships with married men. Married men are not a candidate for single women to date… period! This includes married men who are separated (legally or otherwise). They are still married and not available to date. Married people have their own families and concerns to deal with. That being said, the unmarried man, who is devoted to the things of God, is the type of man you should be interested in dating. (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).
2. The Kingdom Seeker -A man who is seeking God’s Will for His life will, not only seek out a woman to date, but will seek out his wife. The Bible says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Ladies, you should be an asset; the thing that is *added* to him as he is FIRST seeking the kingdom of God. This is why I say, run as fast as you can for Jesus and the one who can keep up might be the one.
3. The Real Man -No, I am not talking about machismo behavior (all the shoulders back, chest out, fist curling gestures and such)… Real men don’t need all of that. That’s what grown-boys do to get a woman’s attention. Real men “pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace” (2. Timothy 2:22). Real men regard women as a gift that is not to be taken advantage of; they see her as priceless and desire to cling to her (Matthew 19:5). A real man’s character shows his high regard for a woman long before the dating stage.
4. The Learner -A man who is in continual pursuit of knowledge is better equipped to handle life and execute on goals / plans. He should read, seek counsel, study continuously, etc… The Bible says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed”( Proverbs 15:22). Also, “My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). A man who is willing to learn and gain knowledge in life should also be more open to gaining knowledge about love and having successful relationships.
5. The Multiplier -A man shouldn’t just balance you out, he should constantly add to you. His presence should multiply your potential. He should add to the beauty of who you are and never take away from anything that is precious about you. ( “Relationship Coaching: Do you multiply or divide?”) The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” (1 Corinthians 15:33). The man you date should never cause you to compromise good morals. He should seek ways to support you in your values. His values should complement yours.
6. The Servant –A man who has demonstrated a pattern of submitting to authorities in his life (leadership, pastors, parents, etc…) will also have an understanding of how to submit to God as the head of his life and, subsequently, how to commit to his future wife. The Bible says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them… Let them do this with joy and not with groaning,” (Hebrews 13:17). His positive attitude towards authority figures is an indication of his servant’s heart and also provides a picture of how he can be in a dating relationship.
7. The Consistent Man -Emotions rise and fall, but character shows with consistency. The consistent man is not in a rush because he does not have poor intentions, nor is he interested in manipulating a woman to be led by her emotions (“ Warning: Don’t Follow Your Heart”). He will take his time to get to know you and will allow you to get to know him as well. The Bible says, “Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered, but he who is crooked in his ways will suddenly fall.” (Proverbs 28:18). Over time, the consistent man’s good character will still stand, while the man with bad intentions will also come to light.
Remember, the purpose of dating is to get to know a person. If you take your time to get to know him, you will be able to find out if he is the type of man you should date.
Our Daily Bread: Now is the Time
During our church’s Christmas celebration, I watched the choir members assemble in front of the congregation while the music director rifled through papers on a slim black stand. The instrume
nts began, and the singers launched into a well-known song that started with these words: “Come, now is the time to worship.”
Although I expected to hear a time-honored Christmas carol, I smiled at the appropriate choice of music.
Earlier that week I had been reading Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth, and I noticed that the first Christmas lacked our modern-day parties, gifts, and feasting—but it did include worship.
After the angel announced Jesus’ birth to some wide-eyed shepherds, a chorus of angels began “praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest!’” (Luke 2:13-14). The shepherds responded by running to Bethlehem where they found the newborn King lying in a barnyard bassinet. They returned to their fields “glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen” (v.20). Coming face to face with the Son inspired the shepherds to worship the Father.
Today, consider your response to Jesus’ arrival on earth. Is there room for worship in your heart on this day that celebrates His birth?
Grant us, Father, hearts of worshipAt this time of Jesus’ birth;We would see anew His gloryShine throughout this sin-cursed earth. —D. De Haan
Heaven’s choir came down to singwhen heaven’s King came down to save.

Although I expected to hear a time-honored Christmas carol, I smiled at the appropriate choice of music.
Earlier that week I had been reading Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth, and I noticed that the first Christmas lacked our modern-day parties, gifts, and feasting—but it did include worship.
After the angel announced Jesus’ birth to some wide-eyed shepherds, a chorus of angels began “praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest!’” (Luke 2:13-14). The shepherds responded by running to Bethlehem where they found the newborn King lying in a barnyard bassinet. They returned to their fields “glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen” (v.20). Coming face to face with the Son inspired the shepherds to worship the Father.
Today, consider your response to Jesus’ arrival on earth. Is there room for worship in your heart on this day that celebrates His birth?
Grant us, Father, hearts of worshipAt this time of Jesus’ birth;We would see anew His gloryShine throughout this sin-cursed earth. —D. De Haan
Heaven’s choir came down to singwhen heaven’s King came down to save.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
7 Types Of Women Every Man Should Date....PT. 1

Here are 7 types of women every man should date:
1. Submitted to GodIf a woman is submitted to and passionate about living for God, she will be the same to you, assuming you’re a man submitted to God. There is something special about a woman who truly serves God.
2. A Selfless WomanA selfless woman will understand the importance of working together, sharing, devotion, and commitment for the right reasons. Her motives will be to help make life a little better for you. She will understand that dying to self doesn’t mean she does not love herself.
3. A Simple and Low Maintenance WomanA low maintenance woman tends to be focused on the truly important things in life. I’ve found them to be non-clingy, very rational, and supportive. She won’t care about how much money you have or don’t have. She will like you for who you are and is not looking for what you can do for her. She accepts you freely because she is comfortable in who she is. She is more about becoming a better woman than just appearing to be a good woman.
4. A Woman Who Can Truly Be Your Best FriendFriendship before love is always best before a serious relationship.
5. Emotionally StableThis type of woman understands God gave her emotions and instincts to give man balance. She understands emotions are never used as a decision making tool, because emotions can lead you outside of the will of God. The devil drives us off a cliff using emotions and God gently leads us with wisdom. A good book to read about emotions is “Living Beyond Your Feelings By Joyce Meyer
6. A Loyal and Patient WomanShe is with you through the good and the bad. She’s there if you’re rich; she’s there if you’re poor (if you have 2 cents, 2 dollars, or 2 million dollars… makes no difference). She is right there cheering you on and helping you to be great. She will not be looking for other men, because all of her attention is with you. She will uplift, support and encourage you.
7. A Woman with CharacterThis should go without saying, but I will add this (and this type should really be the first thing you consider for any woman). She must be of a woman of good character. Without character, it will be difficult to even build a strong friendship. Character is what we do when other people are not looking, but God always knows what we are doing (e.g. A woman who will still entertain men, giving out her number to other men, etc… is not serious about a courtship leading to marriage and it speaks to her character). How she will honor and respect the relationship as you grow together when you are not around speaks volumes about her character.
Our Daily Bread: Death Destroyed

The New Testament proclaims that for the believer in Christ, death has been destroyed—reduced to inactivity—rendered incapable of doing what it once did. “So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory’” (1 Cor. 15:54).
This good news is for everyone who will receive it—just as the angel told the shepherds when Jesus was born, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).
The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end for death. “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:56-57).
That is why we celebrate Christmas!
Mild He lays His glory by,Born that man no more may die.Born to raise the sons of earth,Born to give them second birth. —Wesley
The birth of Christ brought God to man;the cross of Christ brings man to God.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Our Daily Bread: The Pursuing God

The British poet Francis Thompson catches the profound nature of this reality when he writes of the relentless pursuit of God in his life. In his work titled “The Hound of Heaven,” he writes that as he fled from God he couldn’t outrun “those strong feet that followed . . . with unhurrying chase and unperturbed pace.” But God’s untiring pursuit of the wayward is not just Thompson’s story. At the heart of the Christmas message is the wonderful truth of God’s pursuit of every one of us. As Paul affirms, “God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law” (Gal. 4:4-5).
And it’s not just the Christmas story. It’s the story of God’s pursuit of Adam and Eve after the fall. His pursuit of me! His pursuit of you! Where would we be today if God weren’t the “Hound of Heaven”?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?For me, who Him to death pursued?Amazing love! How can it beThat Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? —Wesley
God’s undying desire for you will never cease.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Should School Ban Sweets at Christmas Party?
Westford Students Told To Leave The Christmas Cookies At Home
December 15, 2011 4:58 PM
WESTFORD (CBS) – Westford school officials are getting tough on classroom holiday parties.
They’re banning sugary snacks and sweetened beverages from the celebrations this year.
Students are being told to leave the Christmas cookies, cakes, candy bars, and soda at home and to bring fruits, unsweetened juices, popcorn and raisins instead.
Superintendent Everett Olsen says the ban on holiday sweets has nothing to do with being politically correct, rather, his motive is simply promoting a healthy lifestyle.
“We aren’t trying to take the Christmas out of Christmas. We’re not trying to take the enjoyment out of children’s lives. We’re just trying to act responsible,” he told WBZ NewsRadio 1030’s Mike Macklin.
The school’s goal is to avoid the types of sweets that pile on empty calories and contribute to childhood obesity.
WBZ NewsRadio 1030′s Mike Macklin reports
School officials say they’re also hoping to protect the growing number of children with severe food allergies.The new policy comes as schools across Massachusetts get set to implement stricter state-mandated food policies aimed at reducing child obesity.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Is Your Christmas Shopping Causing Debt???
How to avoid debt while Christmas shopping this year |
FRIDAY, 09 DECEMBER 2011 09:44 |
Can you believe it’s the month of December already? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Retailers are open extended hours seeking to claim the money in your wallet. Every charitable organization known to man is soliciting you for money. Friends and family are dropping hints about certain gifts that they would enjoy this year. People in the office are asking you to chip in on a gift for the boss. Your church is passing around an extra offering plate for a present for the Pastor.
You believe in your heart that “it’s better to give than to receive” but in the back of your mind you’re thinking, “give me a break”. “No can do,” says mortgage, car note, student loan, credit cards, lights, gas, cable, house phone, cell phone, internet, insurance, and Uncle Sam. “We understand that you’re in a giving mood but don’t forget you have bills to pay!”
As a financial adviser I sit as the proverbial fly on the wall and listen to the conversations you’ve been having with yourself and your significant other. I heard you cry out in a moment of stress—“the paycheck don’t stretch far enough to feed, shelter, and clothe the family, provide basic utility and transportation for the family while at the same time give to charitable causes and save for future needs, wants, and goals.” I know that you’re doing the best you can to make ends meet. You’d like to avoid using credit cards. You’d like to save a small portion each month starting in January so that when Christmas is here you have the money to shop for gifts. The reality is you’re having a tough enough time trying to meet the financial demands of today.
Christmas is upon us. You frantically wonder how you’re going to come up with the money to do your Christmas shopping. You’ve thought long and hard. You’ve concluded that you’ll get the money you need for Christmas one of two ways: 1.You’ll skip various bills this month and pay them when you get your tax refund. 2. You’ll reluctantly use a credit card with the intention to pay it off within the next 6-months. Caught up in the emotion of the holidays, it may not have dawned on you that this is exactly what you did last year, the year before and the year before. That plan isn’t working.
Below are some ideas that will help you enjoy Christmas and avoid debt this holiday season:
* Set a spending limit and track you’re spending—If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Before you do any shopping decide how much you’re going to spend for Christmas. Keep track on how much you’re spending so that you don’t go over your limit. Only use cash or debit card when shopping.
* Make a list and check it twice—If it’s good enough for Santa Claus, it’s good enough for you. Make a list of all the people you plan on buying gifts for this season. You now know how much you plan on spending and who you’re purchasing gifts for. Check your list not twice but three times. As you review your list the third time write a dollar amount on how much you’re going to spend on each person on the list.
* Keep your guard up—Don’t be tempted by your existing creditors attempt to defer payments on your loans and the merchants attempt to offer you discounts should you open and use a store credit card. They have one of two things in mind—get you to spend money you don’t have or force you to pay interest you can’t afford.
•Look for great deals—Make it a goal to get discounts on every gift you purchase. This will help the money you’re spending on Christmas go further.
•Limit discretionary spending—Temporally reduce or eliminate spending on entertainment, dining out, and other activities you do for pure joy and amusement. It’s better to give than receive, right? Sacrifice something you enjoy doing and use the money you normally spend to purchase gifts.
•Give the gift of time—Quality time with loved ones is perhaps the best gift you can give. It’s FREE and INVAULABLE. In this fast paced society we live in, we rarely get to spend quality time with loved ones where there’s no distraction. Make an earnest effort to spend time with someone you care about. The memories you’ll gain from the experience will be more valuable than any gift you can purchase.
•Give a helping hand—Offer to baby sit, shovel snow, mow the lawn, prepare a meal as a Christmas gift to someone you know who can use a break.
•Get a part-time job—If you’re still short on money, consider a part-time job to fully or partially pay for your Christmas purchases this year. There are plenty of part-time jobs available during the holiday season. It’s better to work a couple extra hours now and pay cash for your Christmas gifts then to neglect bills or accumulate debt and work extra hard the entire year trying to catch up on bills and payoff debt you’ve created during the holidays.
•Remove adults from the list—You did all the above and you’re still contemplating whipping out the credit card. Time to trim the list. It’s been said that Christmas is for the kids. You’re adult family and friends will understand when you say that you spent your entire Christmas budget on the kids this year.
(Mortgage and Personal Finance Expert Damon Carr is owner of ACE Financial. Sign up for Damon’s FREE Online Newsletter at Damon can be reached at 412-856-1183.)
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