Saturday, May 7, 2011

What's the Verdict? Lady Gaga's Controversial Video - Judas

Considering the roads Lady Gaga’s music videos have led us down before, it's understandable if you were bracing for something outlandish for "Judas." Especially since there was controversy before it even debuted yesterday.

The 25-year-old stars in a biker version of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus as a lipstick gun-wielding Mary Magdalene of sorts, but E! seems to be on to something when they describe the video as more traditional than ones past. (Call us jaded if you must.)

Of course, there’s religious imagery a-plenty, and Gaga explained to MTV that “This video has not meant to be an attack on religion,” she says of the content. “I respect and love everyone’s beliefs. I’m a religious and spiritual person who’s obsessed with religious art. I’m obsessed with it.”

So are critics obsessed with her video?

Entertainment Weekly’s “kneejerk reaction” was negative, at first thinking that perhaps it was her “weakest video to date.” But after examining the video a bit more – and realizing that Laurieann Gibson’s choreography may be to blame – EW finds it ultimately “refreshing” that she opted to give “such a personal perspective on her faith.”

Vulture, meanwhile, felt “Judas” didn’t quite live up to the drama surrounding it. “[D]espite the crowns of thorns, biker gangs, impressive eyeliner, and religious symbolism, this feels less ‘eventful’ than videos past,” Vulture notes, adding that we’ve seen Gaga play with religious themes before.

Agrees the New York Post, “While there is undeniable religious iconography throughout the Bethlehem biker babe video…[‘Judas’] barely registers a blip on the Blasphemy-O-Meter.”

U.K. paper The Guardian was similarly underwhelmed, saying that the music video is “Fairly sedate, all things considered.” But, The Guardian adds, it’s almost better that way: “the fact that Judas isn't particularly 'controversial' and doesn't get weighed down by its own importance means that it's actually much more enjoyable as a music video.”

Have you seen it? Watch the video and tell us what you think?


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