One day, a man in the congregation expressed concern over the legal implications of “outsiders” using the property. “If someone is injured,” he said, “the church might be sued.” Though the elders were reluctant to take any action, the man convinced them that they should post a sign on the site informing visitors that this was private property. So the pastor posted a sign. It read: “Warning! Anyone using this beach may, at any moment, be surrounded by people who love you.” I read his sign the week after he put it up and was charmed. “Exactly,” I thought. “Once again grace has triumphed over law!”
This love for one’s neighbor springs from God’s kindness, forbearance, and patience with us. It’s not the law, but the goodness of God that draws men and women to repentance (Rom. 2:4) and to saving faith in His Son Jesus Christ.
As You have loved me, let me loveLost souls in darkness dwelling;To draw the needy ones to You,Lord, give a zeal compelling! —Bosch
Love is the magnet that draws believers togetherand attracts unbelievers to Christ.
As You have loved me, let me loveLost souls in darkness dwelling;To draw the needy ones to You,Lord, give a zeal compelling! —Bosch
Love is the magnet that draws believers togetherand attracts unbelievers to Christ.
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