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My child, never fear when you walk through fiery circumstances. A wretched failure, a business loss, an unexplained illness– they will come like unwelcome flames in the night. Don’t be terrified but look closely. In the middle of that fiery furnace, you’ll see a familiar face. I’ll walk through the flames with you.
My child, I have chosen earthly vessels like you to hold My most valuable jewels because My light shines best in ordinary people. Others, full of themselves or with the cares of this world, have stuffed their jars so full, there is no room left for Me. Use my discretion wisely, My child. Sacred things are not to be trampled, but preserved. Share My treasures wisely. Don’t hoard them, but give them to faithful disciples who appreciate the value.
When I cannot utter the words, God, I know you are with me. Your presence is a comfort to me even in my deepest pain. Thank you for being that One who sticks so close that your breath is my breath. Be my leaning post and hold me up so that I might be strong of mind and body. Amen
Eternal God, Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not our thoughts. We often forget this when we find ourselves caught between the rocks and hard places of life. Thank you for showing me that there are no tight spaces where Your spirit cannot enter and no sore spots that your love cannot soothe. In those times when what we face seems too difficult, assure us once again that you have a ram in the bush for every situation.
My child, whenever you encounter an obstacle, remember, I have already provided a way around it or through it. The next time you see a cloud on the horizon, don’t fear the storm. Look closely, and you will see and feel My presence.
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