March is National Nutrition Month
National Nutrition Month is an annual nutrition education and information campaign of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association). Each year this campaign focuses attention on making educated food choices and adopting healthy eating habits. The recently released 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage an increased focus on fruits and vegetables and an understanding of proper portion sizes. This theme of the campaign this year is designed to help consumers understand how to implement these suggestions into their daily lives with “Get Your Plate in Shape.”
According to a 2009 Academy consumer survey, the majority of people consider convenience to be the biggest factor in selecting a meal. These days everyone is working long hours and watching their budget. It is tempting to buy inexpensive, pre-packaged or processed food items. It is vital that we shift the focus back to nutrition. Eating right doesn’t have to be pricey. Healthy, convenient and inexpensive meals just take some planning.
The professionals at the academy suggest several ways to save money and enjoy a healthy diet:
Look for fresh seasonal produce; it will usually be less expensive. When you can’t find affordable fresh produce choose frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. They last longer than fresh versions and are equally nutritious.
Use coupons at the store. These days you can clip coupons from the paper or print them from websites. Coupons can save you 10 to 15 percent on your grocery bill.
Practice portion control, especially with protein. A service of meat/protein is the size of a deck of cards. Protein can be expensive, so limiting portions size is both cost effective and healthy. And don’t forget that beans are inexpensive and a great source of protein as well.
Search online or at your library for healthy, easy one-pot recipes. Slow cookers can have hot, healthy meals ready for you when you get home from work.
Small changes in cooking and shopping can go a long way toward getting your plate in shape. Make this March the month that you embrace some new nutritious habits.
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